I don't pretend to be perfect; I've made mistake just like everybody else.
When I have, I've owned up to the mistakes and moved forward. - Chris Bell

Monday, November 7

Sunday, July 3

I have abandoned my blog. I am tired. Gonna delete old posts. Bye take care

Saturday, June 18


Aku dah lupa macam mana nak buat tulis blog. Maaf, jari dah keras. Aku pun dah malas. Penat lh nak menaip. Baru sedar. Aku sibuk. Lagi 5 minggu nk trial. Maka, nnt aku update post yg tak merepek. Bye, take care!

Tuesday, June 7


A Christian guy asked a Muslim, "Why do your women cover up their bodies and hair?". 
The Muslim guy smiled and got two sweets. 
He opened the first one and kept the other closed. 
He threw them both on the dusty floor and asked the Christian 
"If i asked you to take one of the sweets which one would you choose?". 
The Christian replied, "The covered one". 
Then the Muslim man said,  "That’s how we treat our Muslim women.."

Ain't this sweet? :)

Friday, June 3


Get mad, then get over it.

Wednesday, June 1


The new you isn't cool at all.
You look fake, awkward and totally weird.
I told you the truth but I'll never lead you because I ain't good enough. Yet.

Oh, am searching for life.
Hlovate really wake me up.
But why I am still here wondering and hesitating? 

Thursday, May 26

Saya comel

Saya sangat dramatic. 
Dah type entry sampai dua perenggan mcm karangan tapi backspace balik.
Confuse. Sbb saya tgk traffic saya meningkat (cewah)

Bukan nak riak tp saya tak suka sebenarnya. Anda, jangan lh baca blog saya :(
Dah dah, pergi blog lain. Sedih niiiiiii.

Nanti habis lah semua tahu rahsia saya yang tak berapa nak besar sangat.
Contohnya mcm saya nak kahwin dgn Pilot -.-
Dah lah. Lepas ni kena tulis yang general je.
Tak boleh nak mcm ala ala spill perasaan jiwang kew apew kew hikhik

"Am writing for myself to read, not for others. That's why I put a lot of emotions"

P/s; Maksu Niza sure tga baca kan? Maksu niiiiii mmg niiiiiiii

Ain't cool

The test wasn't great at all.
It's over.
No more hunky punky after this.