I don't pretend to be perfect; I've made mistake just like everybody else.
When I have, I've owned up to the mistakes and moved forward. - Chris Bell

Saturday, April 23

Ne-Never Say Never

Captured by Fatin Syahirah

It's over. No more Bieber Fever :(
Oh btw, today, again, we watched Never Say Never 3D!
Really had fun with other Beliebers ;)

Not to forget, we have new member. Say Hi to Azim :P

Friday, April 22

I am typical

We got no freedom. Opinions aren't allowed. 
They look down on us just because we are not in the same boat. 
K, you are right and I am totally wrong. Bye

Thursday, April 21


Let this week be ours people. It is Bieber's concert. 
So I can say it's kinda Belieber Day Out kot haha. 
But pictures below were taken during we went to Jusco to watch Never Say Never 3D. 
Let pictures speak.

My current FB default :)

Btw to Beliebers, have fun! Bieber's concert is ours :P

Friday, April 15

I'm strong enough to climb the highest tower

Well Bieber, we're going to watch you!
Sya already bought the Never Say Never 3D ticket after school dismissed \m/

And we, which means me Shira Fatyn Khilda Umyra Sya and Dart (probably Amal will be there too), definitely will rock the cinema hall mueheheh!

So bye! Saya nak siap :P

Sunday, April 10

Not interested anymore

It is time to be more serious. Maturity define everything and there is no word for regret anymore.

Now, time to face reality. SPM is not around the corner. It's just stop for a while at the traffic light. Time is travel so fast like seriously fast. I have no idea why we are in Apr because I thought yesterday school just reopened after New Year. This is totally bullshit. No time to play but there is no enough time also to study.

So folks, let sing Jar of Hearts! Okay, no connection at all with the post just to let you know currently I stuck with this song. Perfect lyrics right? Er or no? But whatever. Eh, don't forget to watch Never Say Never \m/. Right, enough with the commercial break.

Weh, Im so scared lah thinking of mid-year exam and trial and SPM and what the hell am doing now? Wasting time updating this?! I am sooooo Khilda right now. She has been worrying about SPM last few days and now me. Whyyyy? At first Im trying to act cool T.T

K, my Match Test was not going well. I got 1A+, 3A, 1A-, 2B, 1D (5A 2B 1D) *crying* I really don't like Physic. I always thought that I answered them correctly but at the end I still got it wrong ARGGGH. So, it is time for me to fulfill my New Year's resolution. Bye people. Pray for me

Btw, everything is getting weird. Hm

Belieber? :P

Belieber? :P

Answer here

Friday, April 8



Disebabkan saya baru sahaja habis Minggu Bahasa Melayu, izinkan saya berbicara dalam Melayu baku. Saya masuk Pesta Pantun dan kami yakin akan merangkul Johan sekali lagi seperti tahun lepas tetapi ketua hakim tak suka sekolah King George makanya dia tak mahu kami menang sedangkan sudah terlihat kehebatan pemantun kami. Satu dewan juga beranggapan King George yang selayaknya tetapi apakan daya, Ketua Hakim tak suka kami dan Khilda pun menangis walaupun dia mendapat Pemantun Terbaik. Lihat! Pemantun Terbaik daripada sekolah King George. Pelik bukan? Sesungguhnya saya tidak faham lah dengan orang yang kononnya berlagak sudah matang ini. Anda berbuih mulut mencanang budak remaja tidak matang lah apa lah sedangkan anda lihat tidak apa yang anda lakukan itu? Itu baru lah namanya tidak matang dan kebudak budakan! Ini yang menimbulkan kemarahan saya ni! *mencarut* Oh, tahniah SMAP LABU :)

Sekali lagi, Puteri dapat mengalahkan King George dalam Bahas Ala Parlimen Daerah Seremban 2. Kami dapat Naib Johan sekali lagi setelah lima tahun berturut-turut Johan. Tetapi tidak tahu di mana silapnya kami mendapat Naib Johan dua tahun kebelakangan ini :( Tapi kami tidak kisah pun sebenarnya. Biasalah tu, kalah menang kan? Tetapi yang menimbulkan rasa marah dan jijiknya ialah apabila Puteri menang, cikgu Puteri dengan bongkaknya berkata denagn kuat mengharapkan pembahas King George dengar dan syabas! Beliau berjaya! Pembahas kami mendengar apa yang cikgu katakan. Mahu tahu apa yang dia kata?

"Lame nya sekolah ni. Kata sekolah cluster tapi sediakan microphone pun satu. Dah lah kalah. Dah lah tuan rumah, tapi kalah. Tah apa apa lah budak-budak ni!"

Izinkan saya untuk mencarut. Bodoh lah kau ni! Eh, kau tu cikgu, sedarlah diri. Kau dah menang kan? Apahal kau nk emosi pula? Tolonglah jadi dewasa sikit. Kau tu dah lah pegang title cikgu kot. C I KG U for god's sake! Mana sikap proffesional kau ni? Apa kau nak lagi? Dh elok menang pun tak puas hati lagi. Kalau pembahas Puteri yang cakap mungkin pembahas kami boleh terima kerana biasalah, budak-budakkan? Tapi kalau cikgu yang macam tu? Sumpah aku tak boleh bayang budak budak dia macam mana. Mesti lagi teruk. Memalukan sekolah lah kau ni cikgu -.- *maaf, bahasa saya tidak baku*

Sudahlah. Semoga kau berjaya lah peringkat negeri nanti tapi janganlah bawa perangai tak senonoh tu cikgu oi. Kbye

Nota; Saya ada bagitahu tak yang SMK Seri Ampangan pun sediakan 1 je microphone untuk pemantun? Kalau kau nak mic sorang satu makanya next year kau jadi tuan rumah untuk semua pertandinagn okay? Inilah contoh manusia tak tahu bersyukur :)