I don't pretend to be perfect; I've made mistake just like everybody else.
When I have, I've owned up to the mistakes and moved forward. - Chris Bell

Monday, February 28

You would be in my heart. Would I be in yours?

I fall in love with Schubert Serenade. Try listen to this while close your eyes like I did :) Beautiful.

The most important things are the hardest thing to say.
Have you ever decided to not become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person?
What would you do if every time you fell in love you had to say goodbye? 
What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? 
What would you do if you loved someone more than ever but you couldn't have them?

I don't know what would I do either. Sigh

Sunday, February 27

Datang lah keajaiban, berikan perubahan

I can't go to Bieber's concert even I already bought the ticket of RM188. Enough said *crying*

ps: Which one is me? haha

Saturday, February 26

Sometimes I say what I should just keep inside

Tonight is the day I spill my emotion because I wait for A to call me but he didn't. Useless punya best-spill-friend ==' 

Okay, it was started with a short sentence but it never ends with a small matter. Everyone will through their hard time and maybe this week was mine. Seriously, the thing you asked me to do was easy but the way you approached me wasn't good. Or maybe I am the bad guy here because everyone saw me as the one who did the wrong thing even I wasn't.

The thing is here, you build my ego become higher with your action. I want to change but this changes give a huge impact for me. Obviously a positive one, I knooooooooow. Supposedly there is no reasons for a good changes but it is just you and your word that really don't suit with me. You should practice a phrase menarik rambut dalam tepung jangan sampai rambut terputus, tepung berselerak. You hurt us with your word. 

Make somebody change for good is okay but make someone being hypocrite is totally not okay! Oh, maybe you are happy seeing someone nice outside but inside, they are really not as what you think right? You love people act as the one you asked rather that seeing their own self. Okay, now I got your point ma'am. Continue  with your way, and I'll continue with mine.

But instead of make you pleased, first I have to make myself pleased. Sorry for not being beautiful for you. I know who I am. Just the ordinary girl with an ugly face. You don't have to mention it may times. Kbye

the one who felt left out because A didn't give a call,

Tuesday, February 22

Sunday, February 20

Am I not pretty enough to be called ugly? Because there is a boy said that I am ugly T.T

Am I not pretty enough to be called ugly? Because there is a boy said that I am ugly T.T

Answer here

Thursday, February 17

I love travelling and I want to marry a pilot

It was yesterday (er, or today?) when Jay told me that I forgot to reply his entry because I mentioned that I tagged myself in his entry and yeah here we go.


1. Qada' all my solat that I've left
2. Wears hijab
3. Practice Islam
4. Performing Hajj
5. Get married give birth
6. Going to Venice, Greece, Rome, Paris, Africa, Egypt

Okay, that's all. What's yours? :)

Monday, February 14

I am not pathetic, I just comfortable with my status right now

I did blogwalking just now. I don't know why but mostly, blogs that I've read were talking about their boyfriend or not having one. And when I see recent post on FB, Din update his status with this line:

Okay, is that matter if you are not having any girlf/boyf? Or at least a ex? Duuhhh, tell you what, me too do not have one. I think it is because of 

1. I quickly get tired of one man in a short period of time
2. I like many men at the same time
3. I just do not know how to entertain them when it comes to the jiwang rusty part
4. I annoyed them with my unfinished sentences 
5. I only wear shirt and jeans 
6. Never wear skirt
7. I love sneaker
8. I do not have phone to text with
9. I act like a man --''
10. Am not good with words

It is just like Elda's tweet 'So I like you but Im not in love with you and I'll be liking another person next month'. Kbye

Saturday, February 12

I want to be a beautiful monster

19 Feb, Cross Country of KGV

So I decided to go jogging with ShiraKhilda and Umyra (supposed Tyn dgn Nad ada sekali). Yeah, I did jog people :)  But the awesome part here was after 2 hours of running/gossip-ing/exercising, I asked my Umi to treat my friends breakfast and okay I ordered nasi lemak with sambal sotong extra. Please, don't make faces.

Actually I was about to throw away some fats but well, fats just love me -.- And I noticed that I didn't have enough stamina for the cross country! I kept stop after a few steps from jogging pfft. I want to get at least top 10 because last year I got number 11 out of 400 (form four to upper six) and yes, power kan saya? Okay fine, if I want to be top 10 I think supposedly I am not here updating blog duhhh.

Eh by the way, today is my grandma's birthday. I think tonight we will celebrate her. We'll see. There is no party I think but a cake with foods are seriously enough for her :)


Friday, February 11

Well, you're not the only one

Your crush only turn to you after he being dump with her ex
Your friends only find you when their other friends are absent
You used to be fav student of teacher but when the best comes, you are nothing
Being called by others only if the best is not there
Not be praised even it is your idea at first.

I used to it. I used to struggle for something. The most important thing here, I used being a second best. I am tired but I can't be. Because it is so me. Peace

Sunday, February 6

If blogspot also has the reblog button

Oh, this picture I took from Shira. Yes, how can you people not love Justin Bieber? -.-

HARHAR I just surprised when you finally gets annoyed at me. I think you once said that I'll never can make you feel that way right? Uff, penipu besar ;P Kay, but then you came out with the 'eh gurau je lah actually' statement but do you think I believed you? You and the statement with the emotion that you showed and the words that you said can't lied me. K bye ;)

p/s; Okay, sure you read this kan? So hi A haha

As you can see, I've remove my previous posts

Enough. It is a new beginning. So hi people!  Im Syaq but I don't bite ;)

By the way, I just sign up for twitter. It is all because of what Shira said yesterday. She told me that Justin Bieber handle his twitter by his own and Justin Bieber had followed this form two student -.- Damn. But twitter is a little bit annoying because everyone is trying to tell their current activities. Since everyone does tweet theirs, so I tweet mine. And I feel like a stupid girl here after I tweet 'Boleh tak tweet cuma nak bagitahu aku baru balik Jusco HIHI'. Okay I knew it is totally annoying -.- But what to do. I just follow the purpose of having twitter. Twitter said 'What's happening' and I replied that. It is so answering the question right. Now I understand why people act like an annoying people when they are on twitter because so do I.

Yeah Syaq is on twitter now and what's next?