I don't pretend to be perfect; I've made mistake just like everybody else.
When I have, I've owned up to the mistakes and moved forward. - Chris Bell

Saturday, February 26

Sometimes I say what I should just keep inside

Tonight is the day I spill my emotion because I wait for A to call me but he didn't. Useless punya best-spill-friend ==' 

Okay, it was started with a short sentence but it never ends with a small matter. Everyone will through their hard time and maybe this week was mine. Seriously, the thing you asked me to do was easy but the way you approached me wasn't good. Or maybe I am the bad guy here because everyone saw me as the one who did the wrong thing even I wasn't.

The thing is here, you build my ego become higher with your action. I want to change but this changes give a huge impact for me. Obviously a positive one, I knooooooooow. Supposedly there is no reasons for a good changes but it is just you and your word that really don't suit with me. You should practice a phrase menarik rambut dalam tepung jangan sampai rambut terputus, tepung berselerak. You hurt us with your word. 

Make somebody change for good is okay but make someone being hypocrite is totally not okay! Oh, maybe you are happy seeing someone nice outside but inside, they are really not as what you think right? You love people act as the one you asked rather that seeing their own self. Okay, now I got your point ma'am. Continue  with your way, and I'll continue with mine.

But instead of make you pleased, first I have to make myself pleased. Sorry for not being beautiful for you. I know who I am. Just the ordinary girl with an ugly face. You don't have to mention it may times. Kbye

the one who felt left out because A didn't give a call,

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