I don't pretend to be perfect; I've made mistake just like everybody else.
When I have, I've owned up to the mistakes and moved forward. - Chris Bell

Saturday, February 12

I want to be a beautiful monster

19 Feb, Cross Country of KGV

So I decided to go jogging with ShiraKhilda and Umyra (supposed Tyn dgn Nad ada sekali). Yeah, I did jog people :)  But the awesome part here was after 2 hours of running/gossip-ing/exercising, I asked my Umi to treat my friends breakfast and okay I ordered nasi lemak with sambal sotong extra. Please, don't make faces.

Actually I was about to throw away some fats but well, fats just love me -.- And I noticed that I didn't have enough stamina for the cross country! I kept stop after a few steps from jogging pfft. I want to get at least top 10 because last year I got number 11 out of 400 (form four to upper six) and yes, power kan saya? Okay fine, if I want to be top 10 I think supposedly I am not here updating blog duhhh.

Eh by the way, today is my grandma's birthday. I think tonight we will celebrate her. We'll see. There is no party I think but a cake with foods are seriously enough for her :)



ameer said...

rajinnya merentas desaaa..

tringat zaman skola asrama tyme merentas desa lah nk curi2 g kfc mkn2 hahaha:))

Syaqira K said...

Well, mestilah rajin :P

Btw, I think I mls lari this year bcs my sch betul betul depan shopping complex. Hm, do you know what is in my mind now? MUEHEHEHE KFC sounds good right :P